May 2017

May 2017

Gentrification and Violence in New Orleans

Friday & Saturday I was in New Orleans attending art openings and the oyster festival but this past weekend has become known as one of the most violent weekends in New Orleans history. Friday, I stood in front of this map. A map indicating where the people who visited the bar lived in the city. I won't name the bar but it was an upscale bar located in a historically impoverished neighborhood. Successful because it took advantage of the affordability of the building and risky vibe making it a classic example of gentrification. 

As I looked at the map, I noticed the divide and how so few people visiting this place were from the neighborhood. Can we be shocked if we aren't welcoming and welcomed? How surprising is it really that in a society that vehemently defends weapons in a city with such a disparity that the poor would resort to this?